Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Extreme serenity in Romania

Excerpted from Extreme Devotion, a book of 365 true accounts of men and women who totally sold out for Jesus.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts
in You.”
(Isaiah 26:3)

The pastor, his wife and their six small children had just read Psalm 23 while eating breakfast. Suddenly, the police burst into his home to search the house and arrest him.

The police asked him, “Don’t you have anything to say? Have you no sorrow or regret?”

The pastor said carefully, “You are the answer to what we prayed today. We just read in Psalm 23 that God prepares a table before us in the presences of our enemies. We had a table but no enemies. Now you have come. If you would like anything that is on the table, I would like to share it with you. You were sent by God.”

“How could you say such stupid things? We will take you to prison, and you will die there. You will never see your children again.” With continued ease, the pastor continued, “We also read about that today: ‘Though I pass through valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear.’”

The officer shouted, “Everyone fears death. I know because I have seen it on their faces.”

“A shadow of a dog can’t bite you, and the shadow of death can’t kill you. You can kill us or put us in prison, but nothing bad can happen to us. We’re in Christ, and if we die, he will take us to his world.”

Peace. It’s becoming as valuable as blue-chip stock in today’s economy of unrest and violence. Fortunately, all believers are shareholders in God’s gift through Jesus Christ. But many people lack this peace. Some take prescriptions and worry to no end, trying to receive peace apart from God. Whatever good feeling they may find is only temporary at best. Then it’s back to worry and unrest. In contrast, God’s peace enables us to succeed with serenity in our sufferings. No trial can unnerve your trust in Him. Like the gentle pastor in this story, though calamity may strike without warning, you will be prepared with God’s perfect peace.

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